
Friday, November 7, 2008

UNIX performance monitoring

The nmon is the IBM recommended tool to monitor the server performance (linux,AIX)
Download nmon clickhere

Setup procedure:-
This is the tool u can insert in the linux or aix machine by creating one directory, run the below mentioned command in that particular directory wr u placed the nmon file.
./nmon -fT -s 30 -c 120
It will generate one file in the hostname, export that file to your desktop machine using FTP or Winscp, the file will be in the .nmon extention, now u download the nmon analyzer clickhere

this is the EXcel file, before open this file disable the macros in the microsoft Excel security settings, and open the nmon anlyzer file click on the button available over there it will ask for the nmon file, choose the location of the file wr u have in ur desktop, this tool will generate the GUI based report.

this report have almost all nformation of your system including LPAR, CPU,MEMORY,NETWORK,HDD usage, SAN............... etc.,

You can use this at the peak time to check the performance of the servers like DB2, SQL, Websphere, HTTP servers.
